Boardgame Descriptor & Questionnaire

Boardgame Descriptor & Questionnaire

2022, Feb 20    

Boardgames are designed by and for the human mind. It’s us, defining our own mind games. As challenging as they are, boardgames elude characterization. There is no official, well established, or broadly usable description of board games (that I know of). If ever there was one, a whole set of data driven processes would be enabled, including but not limited to:

  • Finding correlations between features and game quality (of interest for the game industry).
  • Identifying sets of players who share preference or disliking patterns (of interest both for boardgame players and industry).
  • Locating sets of features that frequently go together, and sets which maximize game ratings (of interest for the game industry).
  • Proposing sets of features defining games that do not exist yet (of interest for the game industry).
  • To understand boardgames, and players, in general (of interest both for boardgame players and industry).
  • And others…

To understand boardgames, we defined a questionnaire targeting game features directly related with playing experience. Once a sufficient amount of games have been introducied, we will cross it with other databases to better understanding games and players. And that’s when we add data analytics and/or machine learning in the mix.

If you would like to contribute, go fill the questionnaire HERE. You can add as many entries as you like. Just try to be faithful.
